Welcome to the Bitakon AI Prompt Selling Marketplace, your premier destination for unlocking the limitless potential of artificial intelligence! Our platform is a dynamic marketplace where creative minds, developers, and AI enthusiasts converge to buy and sell AI prompts, taking innovation to new heights. Bitakon script has 11+ automatic payment gateways and unlimited offline payment gateways and it has built with the latest in web development technologies, including Laravel, Inertia.js, Vue.js. It has included two-click web installer to install the script from User Interface mode.
How It Works:
- Browse & Explore: Dive into our marketplace and explore a vast selection of AI prompts. Use our search filters to find prompts that align with your needs.
- Purchase & Download: Select the AI prompts that capture your interest, make a secure purchase, and download them instantly.
- Create & Collaborate: Unleash the power of AI in your projects, whether it’s content generation, data analysis, or problem-solving. Collaborate with fellow AI enthusiasts to take your ideas to the next level.
- Sell Your Prompts: If you’re an AI expert or creator, you can join our community of sellers and share your AI prompts with the world. Monetize your expertise and contribute to the AI revolution.
Script Demo:
Home: https://bitakon.thedevstation.com/
Admin Panel Credentials
Admin Login Url: https://bitakon.thedevstation.com/login
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: password
User Panel Credentials
User Login Url: https://bitakon.thedevstation.com/login
Email: user@user.com
Password: password

Author & User Features
- Clean & Informative Dashboard
- AI Model Based dynamic Prompt
- Prompt Collection or bundle
- Sales Report
- Purchase Log
- Like or Favourite modules
- Secure payout models
- Profile Settings
- Orders Log
- Followers Log
- Following Log
- AI Generate Image
- Credit Purchase History
- Notifications
Admin Features
- Informative Dashboard
- Dynamic AI Model modules
- Order modules
- Customers modules
- Payment gateways modules
- Users log
- Support modules
- Blog
- Drag and drop menu builder
- Role-based multi admin
- Storage Settings (local and wasabi cloud)
- 10+ automatic payment gateways
- Custom Page.
- SEO.
- Developer settings.
- Notifications.
Site Features
- Latest Technology (Laravel & Vue js & inertia js)
- Dark and Light mode Frontend
- 100% responsive
- 3 Unique Home Page
- 2 prompt detail layout
- Prompt Listing Page
- Social Login (Facebook and Google)
- Cart page
- Checkout Page
- 11+ Payment Getaways
- Faq
- SEO friendly
- XSS Protection
- Unique and Modern Design.
- Fully Customizable script.
- Clean Admin Dashboard.
- Blogs.
- Page wise seo.
- Custom error page
- More….
- PHP 8.1
- Ctype PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- DOM PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- Filter PHP Extension
- Hash PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- PCRE PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Session PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- NGNIX (Recommended for better performance)
v1.0.9 tax issue fixed paypal issue fixed v1.0.8 payment gateway page issue fixed v1.0.7 Social auth visibility issue fixed v1.0.5 Some minor bug fixed. Added dependency for MariaDB database v1.0.4 Bug fixed v1.0.2 some minor bug fixed v1.0.1 minor bug fix v1.0 initial release